Here's my dilema, we are looking for a suitable kindy for abang to attend. Rizal loves the idea of Tadika Ilham bistari coz it is clean and all the teachers are experience but the most important semuanya islamic. Mami suggested kat Q Dees coz not far away from our home. abang pernah sekolah kat sini last year, kejap aje 3 months coz lutut mami patah, nobody can't antar abang to school. actually aku pun setuju ngan pendapat mami for antar abang kat Q Dees. tapi my dearest rizal macam x setuju aje....
So i am now scratching my head on choosing a kindy for abang. I heard Smart Reader Kids is good but is just so far away. take about 15 minutes in the morning to reach there, kalu Q Dees 5 minutes aje, sebelah kondo aku, Ilham 10 minutes. Tomorrow we will go around pandan indah kindies to first "judge a book by it's cover".
My dearest rizal, Q-Dees lah, i love this school. if u love me kita antar abang kat sini
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