Always pray to Allah S.W.T to shower them with good health and long life all the time.
for my wonderful eji : for laughing with me and crying with me, for standing up for me when no one else would, for loving abang & kasih like there were her own, for just being who she is and for being brutally honest with me and telling me the hard truth that everyone else was afraid to say.
my wonderful mami : for giving birth to me; for being strong and stubborn and independent and beautiful and courageous; for being my best friend; for being there for me when i need, for sacrificing so much of herself and never asking for anything in return. for taking care of abang & kasih. "the best mami in the whole world".

my wonderful, wonderful papa : for being the first man who ever loved me, for being an example to me of what to look for in a husband, for encouraging me to be myself and more, more..................

my daughter kasih : for her beautiful smile, her warm, soft heart, her sensitivity, ger eagerness to help wherever necessary, for teaching how to survive off of very little sleep. for her sweetness and affection (she really loves giving those hugs and kisses) just remember, u will always be my baby girl though. always love u kasih.

My son Abang : who i adore & who can make me laugh so hard with the silly stuff he does. for looking just like rizal, for completing our family perfectly,for showing me that boys are definitily different than girls and most importantly for teaching me the first steps and tools for being a good mother.
my wonderful husband rizal : i couldn't ask for more and words could never tell you all the things i love you for... i want you to know how fortunate i feel to have you in my life. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are and for making such a beautiful difference in my life. and the most importantly for being so willing to compromise and sacrifice and meet my needs, for taking care of me and for being a wonderful father to abang & kasih.
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