Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Good Bye......

almost 4 years aku kat bilik ni

aku sayang bangat bilik ni..

moving, moving, moving going to move into my new workstation at balakang saner. No more room for me.... i feel sad becoz i need to move. i really, really, really didn't want to move but i had no choice. i tried to delay it but macam mencurah air ke dalam keladi aje. Yesterday afternoon and half of the morning today was spent packing my stuffs. Hard to believe how much junk i had. it was a sad feeling while i was packing but i shouldn't complain becoz it all part of change process, right.
Maybe some of u might wonder, why do I have to move from "bilik kesayangan ni" to the only workstation, no more room lah maknanyer ni.
The reasons are :-
aku dah tarak boss, jawatan Deputy CEO dah dimansuhkan sama sekali since boss aku tamat kontrak;
bilik ni perlu dikosongkan coz dah boss tak ader tak reti-reti lagi nak berambus kluar;
i am working under Company Secretary
actually, aku ader dapat offer kat satu department nilah, jadi PA one of the Encik tu but bila difikir masak-masak aku x mahu terikat ngan maner-maner boss selagi abang dan kasih belum masuk standard 1.
anak perlu diutamakan, mak no. 2 lah, cita-cita perlu dikejar tapi for me my kids adalah yang utama dan paling penting dalam dunia ni. sebab anugerah terhebat yang aku pernah dapat adalah anak-anak aku.


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