kasih dah selamat tido, tinggal abang aje nak kena layan, kalu idak haru biru soh cari mami kat masjid nanti. aku ajak abang nengok DVD story CJ7, rasanyer kali ke 50 dah kot aku ngan abang duk layan criter ni, tapi disebabkan abang suka sangat nengok, aku layan ajelah, walaupun aku dah boleh hafal skrip subtitle nyer

criter ni best jugaklah coz its shows the effort of the father trying to give his son a good life and education, even if it means that he has to starve. However, their life start to change when the father found a new ''toy'' for his son while finding a ''new'' pair of shoes for his son at a rubbish dump. lepas nengok story ni, aku rasa that it has brilliantly portrayed the love of a father for his son. patutlah abang suka
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