Thursday, December 10, 2009


Cinta had her first bath in hospital dan nurse yang mandikan......and after kuar wad hinggalah sekarang aku mandikan cinta 2 or 3 kali sehari. ni kira part of her routine lah, it helps baby cinta sleepy, i think lah. mandi ni penting coz mandi ni can energize them if you want her sleepy. bathe her right bfore bed, penting sangat tu.

tapi aku tak mandikan baby cinta waktu malam, paling lewat pun kul 6.00 petang, the best time, do it before dark. aku first bathed cinta masa umur dier 6 hari, pas kuar dari spital, memula tu she screamed from the minute she went in until she came out. kesian lak.....

tapi sekarang she loves the bath and only cries when she has got out and is a little cold, she then loves being wrapped in her tower...cute sangat

pastu give cinta a little massage with lotion and play some soft music, it could be really peaceful and relaxing.....

then feed her and put her to bed


A.I said...

alolooooo...wanginye dia!!

dah x merasa la aku nk mandi2kan baby gini :(

Suziey Ahmad said...

aah btl agree..bila dhmandi sleesa..kita pn akn rscamtu..
bestnye tgk cinta mandi

Nurmala Mazlan said...

muka kesejukan la kak...comel

lily lotus said...

tak nangis pun dia ekk..setengah baby takuttt nak mandi..hehe

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